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M5 Viaduct Oldbury

Client: National Highways

Duration: 2 Years

Value: £1.1m

Job Description

CLM 200.1

CLM Construction was commissioned by Kier Highways to provide and coordinate the Installation of structural monitoring systems for ongoing structural checks during the main viaduct Vortex drainage installation works.

The Vortex works consists of excavation works between the M5 supporting columns up to around 9 meters deep. Before, during and after the excavations are being carried out the monitoring systems provided by specialist supplier Mabey gather data on any movement to the columns and pile caps coursed by the excavation works.

Any movement recorded is alerted to CLM for investigation, which could lead to excavation works being stopped.

CLM also provide 24/7 security to all monitoring locations, which again any alerts, third party intrusions and damaged equipment are reported to CLM to carry out the appropriate actions.

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